Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Killing Babies

So I imagine that you're reading this specific post simply because of the title. A little shocking isn't it? Well let your curious mind rest assured that I am not talking about real babies. I'm talking about business babies, or new business ideas to be exact.

New business ideas are like babies. When your mind gives birth to them, so to speak, and you believe they have potential, there are few things more beautiful and satisfying. You think about them over and over, how nice they look, how nice they sound, how other people will love them, the places they'll go, the things they'll accomplish, the things you'll do together.

"Ahhhh the possibilities," you sigh contentedly.

You often even name your baby. Once that happens it becomes serious. It's like your namesake son, carrying on every positive attribute inside of you.

This goes on for some time, depending on who you are and depending on how serious you are about your ideas. But, more often than not, its doesn't last.

First, you start to share your baby with other people.

"Isn't it amazing?!" you say, expecting wells of excitement to burst out of them. But their responses aren't so kind.

"Hmm what about such and such?"

"Haven't I seen this before?"

"Are you sure people would actually buy that?"

"That's a nice idea, but have you looked for any real jobs lately?"

They're insulting your baby. They're calling him ugly.

"Well that was just a foolish person anyways," you say to yourself. "No need to listen to him. What does he know about the industry anyways? And where is he working that he has to brag about? People these days."

But the problem is the same thing happens with the next person. And similar after that. And even worse after that. Person after person, (aside from your occasional biggest fan) tells you honestly their not interested.

"My baby?! I loved you. I can't leave you. I, I, I even named you." Doubt, confusion and sadness follow. And then it happens. You know you have to kill your baby.

So goes the way of the entrepreneur. Killing business ideas left and right, with temporary pieces of his own heart, mind and soul inside of them in the attempt to find just the right one. It's a hard a lonely road but someone's got to do it. Until next time.

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