Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Post....for now

This wraps up what has been a lovely old time of giving blogging a test drive. It's actually been pretty good. I may even see if I can write for the Marriott School blog after this. As it turns out I've got quite a few opinions stored up in my head and it feels good to get them out every once in a while. But until then, I'll leave with one ending thought:

"Just do it."

Nike got it right in a lot of ways with that statement. It's been something that I have been relearning the last couple of days and goes along with some of the previous posts. Often times in life, as we go making decisions both big and small we can easily get caught in "paralysis by analysis." This happens we look at a choice or a problem from so many angles that none of the solutions seems particularly good and we become stuck. Stuck in an ugly rut, that prevents us from progressing. Something that I have found is generally the case is:

1. make a choice and if it's totally off, and you really are believing it's the right choice and not just doing it because you secretly want to avoid the other choice, you will feel that it is not right and be guided to retract your choice, or you will learn a valuable lesson.
2. Often times it is the harder of the two choices, it is not always. That too can be taken to the extreme.
3. Although there are sometimes choices that are appropriate to mull over for a long time, you will almost always be happier if you just go for it and make a choice, or try it out, than if you stay in the same spot turning in circles because both sides look good or both sides look bad.
4. Last but not least sometimes you just need to "take no thought beforehand" of what you're going to say and just do it. This applies to sales. This applies to dating. This applies to business decisions. When we become overly calculated in what we do some of our power is lost because we trust our brains more than our hearts and feelings. There needs to be a steady balance where we use both.

Anyway some more food for thought. I hope it's been worthwhile. Until next blog.

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