Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A thought on how to stay out of time debt.

I read an interesting article after writing my last post about time debt. It was written very passionately and seriously and it was basically how to beat time debt. I'll give a little summary of what I got from it below. 

The writer began explaining the standard sales thing that you see on internet,"I'm going to teach you something here that will earn you thousands of dollars and that will change your life at a moments notice, etc. etc." At first I honestly felt a little like rolling my eyes, even though the person that wrote it is close to me. But I decided to read on because I know that person isn't a liar or a cheat and I must say I was impacted. It was a lot different than some of the usual approaches on the internet. Not necessarily something utterly new but something that is worth considering. He said to take pen and paper, sit where you would be interrupted and ask yourself and answer these questions:

"1. What have you intentionally stalled or put off in your work and life? Things you 
keep telling yourself you “should” be getting done…that keep getting put off or 
stalled…over & over again. 
2. What's delayed or incomplete? Things you started but have left hanging 
unfinished, that you feel are important to do. 3. What keeps recurring as an irritant, that you're no longer willing to tolerate? 
Something around the house or office...maybe a repair that's needed... 
something that, every time you see it, irritates you that it is not done... AND it 
NEVER seems to get done. 
4. What do you keep telling yourself you have to remember to remember? This 
kind of thing clutters your mind, creates STRESS… and the feeling of needing 
to "work even harder." 
5. What don’t you want to face, that you know you need to face, now?  
6. What do you resent having to do, that you're no longer willing to do? 
7. What bugs you that you keep not getting done? 
8. What do you keep not getting done that you said you’d get done? 
9. What are you ignoring? 
10. What don’t you want to deal with? 
11. What keeps recurring as an obstacle?"

He speaks on a little more about how all of these things interrupt the natural flow of life. It clogs up your brain, your patience, your confidence and your hopes and dreams and stops you from progressing. 

Admittedly I absolutely do not believe in cure-all solutions. They are fundamentally flawed I believe. But I do believe that what's mentioned above is indeed very valuable and would help whoever reads. So give it a shot and see what you think. Maybe things will be better than you thought. 


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